Immunomodulators and antioxidants in correction of immune and oxidatic disturbances at the chronic ischemia of the brain
Shulginova A.A., Bystrova H.A., Karaulov A.B.
1 FSBI of the HE «Kursk state medical university» of the Russian Ministry of Health, Kursk, Russia
2 FSBI of the HE «First Moscow state medical university of name I.M. Sechenova» of the Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia
Objective: To establish the efficacy and Mexicor Glutoxim correction of immune and oxidant disturbances in chronic brain ischemia stage I and II.
Methods: The clinical study, the definition of immune and oxidative status in the blood plasma and erythrocytes.
Results: Before treatment of stage I and II disease an increase was found in the level of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, increased activity of neutrophils oxygen-systems, the development of oxidative stress. After a course of drug therapy that included antihypertensive drugs, metabolic, nootropic and antioxidant activity (Mexicor), normalization of 30.4% and correction in the direction of healthy donors of 56.5% were observed in laboratory parameters of patients with I (36.0%) and with stage II (44.0%) disease.
Conclusions: The effectiveness of the inclusion of Glutoxim was higher. |