Cytomorphological analysis of changes in peribronchial and peribronchiolar spaces of experimental bronchial asthma and bullous emphysema
Ivanov S.V., Yudina S.M., Ivanova I.A., Ivanov I.S., Kletkin M.E., Goryainova G.N., Kozyeva V.V.
Kursk state medical university Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia
The aim of the work is to analyze and compare the characteristics of pathomorphological changes in bronchial asthma and bullous emphysema of lungs.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted on syngeneic white laboratory rats of the Wistar line. The animals were divided into 3 groups: a control group, a model of bronchial asthma, and a model of bullous emphysema.
Results. An assessment of the change in the composition of the cellular infiltrate was made, the pathomorphological picture of the pulmonary structures was analyzed. A descriptive characteristic of micropreparations obtained from all groups was made. The general and specific changes in the histological pattern in various models are revealed, characterized by a pronounced inflammatory reaction with the allergic component, regular changes in the percentage of cells in the infiltrate.
Conclusions. In each of the studied groups, homogeneous and specific pathomorphological changes in pulmonary tissue were found, as well as trends in the dynamics of changes in
the cellular infiltrate were revealed. |