Etiological structure and antibiotic resistance of pathogens of purulent inflammatory diseases arising after kidney transplantation in the department of surgical hepatology and transplantology
Zemko V.Y., Okulich V.K., Andreichik D.À.
Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus
Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Belarus
Purpose: to analyze the structure of microflora and its antibiotic sensitivity in the Department of Surgical Hepatology and Transplantology and in accordance with the data determine the most effective antibiotic therapy and antibiotic prophylaxis.
Materials and methods. 1305 isolates from various loci in the Department of Surgical Hepatology and Transplantology of a hospital for 2017-2020 years were investigated.
Results. The most common microorganisms detected after kidney transplantation E. faecalis (25%) and E. coli (12,5%) were absolute sensitivity to carbapenems. There was a relative decrease in resistance of K. pneumoniae as the most frequently detected microorganism (43,49%), by 36,9% for imipenem and by 28,7% for meropenem (p <0,05 for both) in contrast to the 100% resistance of isolates in intensive care unit probably due to the patients staying in an isolated room.
Conclusion. According to the data of antibiotic sensitivity of microflora in the Department of Surgical Hepatology and Transplantology antibiotic prophylaxis with carbapenems before heterotopic allotransplantation of a kidney to patients is justified and expedient. |